Sunday, May 29, 2016

Final week at Ness Lake Bible Camp - May 2016

Our work group for the month at Ness Lake Bible Camp,
Prince George, British Columbia
Wayne & Gail Fieler and Ginny & Bill Sutherland

The third and final week at Ness Lake Bible Camp was a busy one with wrap up on projects as well as adding our 3rd couple from Oregon, Roy and Sue Anderson, which would be in our caravan from Prince George to Fairbanks.

The RV parking sites were located
next to the camp welcome office.
(Before 3rd couple joined for trip
to Alaska.)

The gym which includes
a rock climbing wall inside.
Dining hall behind with
game room and laundry below.

One of the many gorgeous
lodges that faced the lake.

Ginny and myself finished up the curtain projects for the boys cabins and the Waterfront Lodge (46 in all) and then proceeded to make new cleaning rags for the dining hall and house keeping departments.

Bill & Wayne continued to finish up with renovations at the gun/archery range.

Bill painting a wall in the
welcome center.

Ginny cutting abandoned towels into rags and
zigzagging the edges to be used in kitchen and

The men made benches for
the gun/archery ranges.

A bullet casing dispensary was added to one
of the gun ranges.

A long bench was added to this gun/rifle
range for proper aiming and safety!

And finally after about 11 years the director's
office got final trim added, the finished
look was amazing.

Our outing this week consisted of Bill & Wayne visiting The Railway & Forestry Museum while Ginny & Gail took in a quilt show and a quilt fabric store.  The quilt show was in a church where every pew was covered with quilts.  It was evident that women have many winter months to do quilting.  Quilting is no longer patches but artwork.

Wayne & Bill took in the Rail & Forestry
Museum in Prince George.

Mr. PG (stands for Prince George), an icon for the city.
The Sutherland and the Fielers.
Only took us about 2 hrs. to find
 our way to this guy to take our pic! 
This week the spring crew put together the U-shaped dock that the kids will be using all summer for their water activities.  This dock comes apart in 9 sections and is stored in a small cove during the winter so that wind and torrential weather will not carry it away or destroy it when the lake completely freezes over to ice several inches thick.  They drag each section to its proper fit in the u-shape and it hooks together.  There is a place for water skiing and tubing to take place, a diving board area, and the blob execution area.  It was interesting and fun to watch them put it together.

While at British Columbia the days are getting longer (gets dark around 10:30) and we anticipate that Alaska will be light more hours than not.

The Anderson's have now joined
our group so that we can caravan
together to Alaska.

Our 3 couples plus Robin the cook and her
assistant, Lee.  Magnificent meals with
the spring crew and staff.

Many hours of planning our route
to Alaska, stops and campgrounds.

And of course, hours of "Pegs and
Jokers".  We even managed to drag
a couple of players from the spring crew.
The men never gave the women a
chance to win.  Never fear, we will
come back one day!

We had worked extra on Fridays during the project term in order to take the last Thursday to go to Barkerville which is an old mining town, now uninhabited just outside of Quesnel on the Alaskan Hwy.  On the way we encountered a couple of moose.  We ate a Chinese Restaurant, visited the drama presentations at the water wheel and court room.  It was opening day so there were only a handful of visitors that day.  Round trip was close to 6 hrs.  The men rode in one car and the women in the other.  We concluded that both cars had solved the world’s problems and know what will happen if Trump or Hillary are voted in!

Bullwinkle between Quesnel &

Eating at a Chinese Restaurant in Barkerville.

Our trip to Barkerville the day before we embarked to Alaska.

Wednesday we had packed as much as possible, cleaned our rigs, caught up on laundry and buttoned down the hatches as much as possible for our trip to Alaska to being on Friday morning.  We are planning 5 days of travel to get to Tok, Alaska.  At that point, the Sutherland’s will be leaving for 2 more days of travel to Soldotna on the coast for the 2 months at Solid Rock Bible Camp and the Anderson’s and us will be taking 1 more day of travel to Fairbanks to serve 2 months at Camp Li-Wa.  After 2 months we will meet mid way at the Denali National Park, spend 3 days together again, then the Sutherland’s will go serve the next month at Li-Wa and the Anderson’s and us will go to Solid Rock.

Wednesday night we attended the last Bible Study at the director’s house in which there were tears shed during the testimony time.  This group of young people are dedicated to winning souls for the Lord during the summer months.  The harvest time is short in British Columbia but they are good stewards of what God has entrusted them with at this location on Ness Lake.  It truly is a kids dream camp, so many water activities, guns/archery, ropes courses, zip lines, jungle swings over the lake, canoeing, kayaking, wall climbing and many gym games.  No wonder kids love camp in this day and age!

Here we go to Alaska.  We have heard that we will encounter rough roads along the way as a result of the winter weather.  Stay tuned to the next blog publication for a report on the trip to Fairbanks.  RV crazy or what?

Saturday, May 14, 2016

2nd Week in Canada 2016 - Ness Lake Bible Camp

Our first weekend sightseeing adventure while staying just outside of Prince George was The Ancient Forest about 1 hr. north.  While driving to the Forest on Hwy. 97 north we were privileged to see 3 bears on the side of the road.  One mama bear and her cub were feeding just out of the thicket on the young grass off the side of the road.  When we backed up to get a better view and a picture she growled something at the cub and the cub quickly disappeared in the woods.  So cute!

At the ancient forest we saw jagundous cedar trees with huge root systems.  There was a very defined wooden path through this rain forest in the middle of an arid dry landscape.  Talk is that 20 years ago they wanted to log this area and fortunately they decided to "save" this area as a provincial park.  We walked the entire trail of approximately 1.5 miles.  It was loaded with fiddlehead ferns.


 Snow capped mountains in the distance.

Waterfall about midway on the trail.
                                                             When these trees fall,
                                                           they splinter and massive
                                                           roots come up.
This is our group - left to right:
Wayne & Gail Fieler and Ginny & Bill Sutherland.

This month we are working at Ness Lake Bible Camp just outside of Prince George, BC.  This camp IS located on waterfront property which constitutes many water activities for the campers.  Camp does not begin in the summer until July but until then the weekends entertain many groups and corporations for leadership training and seminars.

So far the men have built privacy stalls in the men's bathrooms on the west side of campus, added shelving in the gas storage buildings for the boats, moved the archery range and the gun range, built benches in the archery range, and added a disposal unit in the gun range for used casings.

Before and after of the privacy
stalls in the men's bathrooms.


2 new shelving units in the boat storage buildings.

Benches for the gun range.

The ladies did some cooking in the dining hall for 2 days and have been making room darkening drapes for cabins and lodges.  So far we have replaced 37 windows.  We have the privilege of sewing in the Welcome Center which is a log cabin.  Gorgeous setting and the accommodations are great.

This is my sewing partner,
Ginny Sutherland.

And this is me!

Home sweet home!  Our rig on left,
Bill & Ginny's on right. 

 Dining Hall during mealtime with workers.

Okay, so all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy!  Here is Wayne & Bill trying out the zipline!  The counselors needed practice rigging them up and going over their speels that they recite to every participant.  So, Wayne & Bill said they would help out!


Then Wayne had to try out the jungle
swing that goes out over the lake!

All in a day's work!  RV crazy or what?
Someone's gotta do it!

Next week is our last week here at Ness Lake.  Our last RV couple that will be caravanning with us to Alaska is suppose to arrive and on Friday we will pull out, 3 RVs pulling 3 cars.  It will be exciting.