Thursday, March 6, 2014

Embarking on an Adventure

Today we embark on an that we feel God has called us to.  Perfect timing would be to leave around Noon to avoid a mix that will fall from the sky this afternoon in the Piedmont area.  Final cleaning of the house in case it is shown by a realtor, pack last minute things in the RV, deliver Stormin' Norman to his new home and we should be off to "infinity and beyond".  We are exhausted - we have worked harder the last 5 days than any one job we have had in our lifetimes - so when do we get to enjoy "retirement"?  :)  I think when we "start our engine"!  RV crazy? Gail

It has been a busy last couple of weeks.  Retirement lunches from friends and co-workers have kept me off my diet.  The one thing that has kept me on the straight and narrow is dental work that I have had to have done.  Three root canals in the last 3 weeks and more things to come (crowns, extraction and implant).  Why did not this happen when we had insurance?

We have been selling a lot of our things out of the house, but have kept a good bit of the major furniture as we will be back if the house does not sell. This will still be our home base.  It has been interesting trying to fit all we need in an RV.  We will see how successful we were as we are on the road.  We look forward to actually getting busy on those projects and maybe we will actually be able to rest a bit instead of getting ready for the travels.

Timing on the retirement is good as it looks like my mom (Wayne's) may not be with us much longer.  The first project is within about 30 miles of her, so we will be able to spend a good bit of time with her.

Looking forward to our adventure. It is funny how many people say they don't know if they could be in that close of quarter with their spouse for that long.  I am looking forward to it. R V Crazy? Probably yes, but the Bible describes Christians are a peculiar people.  I guess that aptly describes us as well.  Wayne

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