Sunday, August 3, 2014

Harvest Time Bible Camp – July 2014

Harvest Time looking toward lake

Whew!  9 weeks and we have survived!  It has been hard work mixed with connections with family and friends for 9 weeks.  Many completed projects and new additions to our resume’s – reupholstering of 2 golf carts, complete control of the dining hall during absence of Mz. Donna, reroofing 2 “A” frame cabins, and rebuilding pump for well house.  The best part is that thus far there have been 99 children who have accepted the Lord as Savior.

It was hard to say goodbye with 2 more weeks of camp to go through but this has allowed us to work a project in Purdy MO (Camp Barnabas) – a camp for disabled children. 

While at HT our granddaughter, Lily, was able to spend 3 weekends with us all of which I think we were blessed just by watching her enthusiasm on the “farm” as much as her parents were blessed with some “alone” time!  Lily loved those hourly visits to the pigs, chickens, horses and just riding around in the Toro with her Grandpa!  Skinny dipping in her small outside wading pool was grand and water activities at our house were so much fun for a 19 month old (grand parents too!)

Left to right:  Noah, Lily & Naomi

When your “check engine” light comes on in the motor home, it can be slightly unnerving to say the least.  This happened when we were about half way to our project in Missouri. After computer diagnosis we were set up for repairs in Springfield at a Cummins service center.  Only a loose wire from a sensor and a cracked exhaust manifold to the tune of $1,700.  At least we were able to still continue driving although going up some of those huge hills in Missouri proved to be laborious for our rig.  Loose wire fixed, manifold to be fixed next week after parts arrive – praying that the repair goes easy and without incident.  BUT thank you Lord it happened where it did to get this rig worthy of the long haul to New Mexico next month – it’s all in His perfect timing.

Let us throw in a short advertisement for the production of "JONAH" at Branson, MO.  It is a must see especially for those who are intrigued by drama sets and "how did they do that" concepts!  The message was superb and right on target.  We were able to spend 2 days in Branson with our good friends from Charlotte, John & Myra.

It’s amazing how every task in service for the Lord is meant to train you for the next one in line.  Gail has been working in the kitchen for the past 3 months – each camp increasing in camper volumes, 75 then 140 – now that we have arrived in Missouri where she will have one more week serving in a kitchen that cooks for approximately 400-500 twice for each meal.  OK Lord, that will be my max!  Kind of like “don’t pray for patience”!  Gail is eager to see just how this is going to happen………stay tuned – are we crazy or what?  Wayne will be working on installing a water station near the ropes course for the campers to fill their water bottles without having to go back to their cabins.  Then he and Jim (other SOWER) will be going about 50 miles to Branson to work at a sister camp that needs hydraulics rebuilt on a back hoe.  Amazing that God thinks we are capable of these new endeavors – just be willing and available – He will provide knowledge and wisdom in His timing.  We’re counting on it!

OK, from Harvest Time (NC) to Camp Barnabas (MO).  How exciting – almost like living a mystery bus tour – are we crazy?! ( (

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