Sunday, September 3, 2017

June July and August 2017 - Back at Harvest Time Bible Camp

This place keeps drawing us back to our stomping ground.  Harvest Time Bible Camp is addicting as well as therapeutic.  A simple campfire at night will bring you back to a sense of well-being after working hard to keep the campus looking it's best and monitoring all the amenities to make sure that campers' needs are met.

This camp continues to echo the gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily, no hourly, basis.  The counselors work hard at keeping peaceful conditions as well as loads of fun around every corner.  Camp food continues to appeal to all who work and play hard.  Snack shack has some new additions this year and the kids are keeping them hopping!  It's gonna be a great summer.

Our SOWER friends, Jim and Linda Knapp, are our group leaders for the 2 months of June & July.  These are super hard Ever Ready batteries that never run down.  Originally farm owners from Michigan, they know no simple task, but take on the hardest of jobs there is and don't mind dragging me and Wayne into their schemes!  From steeple repair, to installation of snack shack cabinets, to repainting the dinner bell and info board, to bridge extensions, just to name a few of the things accomplished in June.  Will I live to tell about it in July?

First, Lilly's 4 yr old graduation!

And the whole family,
Amanda, Philip
and Lilly

Time out for a little
fru fru on our toes! 

The remnant of last
year's layers.
More coming.

A visit from the younger 
Robertsons (Atlanta rug rats!).

Camera hog,
Linda keeping Papa's
scooter running!

Papa, Nanny and the
2 youngest churn from Atlanta.
Left - Davey Robertson and
Right on Papa's lap is his brother

Arriving at HTBC.
Home again!

Our SOWER co-workers.
Jim & Linda Knapp and their
dog Lady. 

First project,
scraping, prepping &
painting of the steeple.
Once every 14 yrs whether
it needs it or not!

Lilly getting to ride on Noah's 4 wheeler.
She wants to ride Naomi's current 4 wheeler,
but G'pa reminds her that it has "more power"
and that we will have to practice with this 
one first! 

Modeling the sign Katie made us
for the RV.  It indicates every state
we have worked projects.
Thanks Vanna!

Stephen Brackeen giving the
potential worker-bees a ride.
Noah, Naomi, Lilly and Nathaniel
touring with the Director of the Camp! 

It just ain't summer until you
have chased and caught fireflies
to put in a jar, take them home,
and light up the house.
Summertime, yah!

Think she might be allergic
to bees! 

Just doing what campers
are supposed to do at the end
of a long work day.

He's so cute!
No, Lilly we cannot bring
him into the RV, he lives outside! 

Even a 4 yr. old can
help out at camp.
Holding the pipe so it can be
cut to length.
She requires little pay,
just a trip to the snack shack!

Scraping, prepping and
painting the dinner bell and
info board. There is always
another project lurking in
the wings! 

But then,
time out in the game room.
Lots of new games this year.

Told you, new teen-age chicks
have arrived.  Will take another
2 months until they start laying.

Linda installing and coating
a new railing that was put up for safety.

So, is the grass really
always greener on the other side of the

Wayne's uh-oh!
Just 2 days prior his wife said,
"I think these chairs have just
about aged out!"

Linda and Gail putting on the first
coat of paint. Barn red of course! 

Now, this guy has
got to go. He suns himself
on the other side of the creek
while we work to extend the bridge
on the other side.
Where's my gun?

This is going to be one extravagant
extension on the bridge.  Jim our retired
DOT worker in his previous life came for
"such a time as this".  Yah, Jim, you really
know what you are doing. Now, who will be
the first to test out the first ride over the bridge
with a load of horses or hay?  hmmmmmm 

Now, who will be
the first to test out the first ride over the bridge
with a load of horses or hay?  hmmmmmm

August was a tough but bittersweet month.  Papa passed on to his heavenly home on July 31st just one month before his 86th birthday.  He and mama were married for 66 years, a testimony to their children and g'children that it can work, you just persevere.  Daddy's service was perfect in every way.  The grandson's were pallbearers, Amanda (g'daughter in law) played the piano and Miles Crouse gave the message.  He is buried in the Cherryville City Cemetery and a grave marker will be laid in October.  Daddy is no longer suffering with COPD but is living eternally with our heavenly Father.  It will be sweet when we are all reunited one day.  

Ned Little Holland, Jr.
Sept. 1, 1931 - July 31, 2917

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