Monday, March 9, 2015

Standing Stones - February 2015

Did you know.............

20% of pastors are “in crises” which means that they are just “hanging on” and just coping.

70 % of pastors fight depression.

55% of clergy in America would change careers if they had an alternative.

80 % of pastors say that their ministry has had a negative effect on their marriage.

Among Protestant clergy, over 1,000 quit the ministry every month.

In 2010 one major Protestant denomination spent $66,000,000 on stress-related claims.

Internet pornography is a serious problem for between 20% and 40% of church workers.

Do these statistics find yourself with your mouth hanging wide open?  Only in America, folks.  Our shepherd’s (anyone in full-time Christian service) are suffering at a rapid rate from depression, churches attacking their families to debilitating hours of service with no help or reward from their fellow brothers and sisters in the ministry.  Wayne and I have been astounded by what we have learned that servants are going through since we have been here at Standing Stones.  This ministry is here to help and if you know anyone that needs it please refer them immediately if not sooner.  There are only 2 services of this kind in our nation and you know as well as we do that people should be lined up waiting to get in to receive help for themselves as well as their mates.  We have seen people arrive with their demeanor so low that they themselves think there is no hope, but they leave receiving love and a renewed strength realizing God needs them and can use them.  We came knowing this project was very new to the SOWER organization and that our help may be a different kind.  We along with 2 other couples, Ed & Laura Shuster and John & Ann Lund have been busy non-stop.  The men are working on new construction of a 8-bedroom casita and fellowship room.  It has been physical labor from morning to noon everyday.  Ladies are cleaning before and after a 8-day retreat, board meeting, luncheon and concert which entails about 13 loads of laundry, providing mid-morning snacks for clients, cleaning of 2 kitchens after meals, yard work and sewing.  We have to admit the weather here in February is probably the nicest in America for this time of year!  We are not complaining - 70-80 degrees during the day, 40-50 degrees at night.  While here we have enjoyed the Gold Rush Days in the big metropolis of Wickenburg, AZ!  This is the roping capital of the world by the way - gunslingers, cactus 8-10 ft. tall, and a real saloon on just about every corner!  Definitely high desert with an emphasis on your horse trailer - everybody has one!  Phoenix is close by (within one hour) so any type of major shopping is available along with events.

 Wayne & Ed Shuster resizing windows

John Lund securing beams to metal structuring

Preparation for lowering the ceilings and providing area for electrical and venting

Casita that the men worked on for 3 weeks

Laura Shuster, Ann Lund and Gail squeezing and freezing lemon juice

Our guys!  What a hard working crew!

Our "homes" all in a row - gorgeous setting

Back of the retreat center - they lavish their clients obviously! 

Our group went to see "Unbroken" - great movie
L-R:  Wayne & Gail, Ed & Laura Shuster and Ann & Jim Lund

Wayne and I continued to help our daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, Vince, and 2 grand girls, Evangeline and Abigail move from Flagstaff to Tucson where both have new jobs awaiting them.  Vince will preach his first sermon March 1st to his first congregation, Mountain View Church of the Nazarene, Sarah will begin her position at a new veterinary practice, Evangeline will begin her first day at pre-school the last week of February and Abigail will just be Abigail at home with Mom and Dad!  This family has been through so many changes since the birth of Miss Abigail on Dec. 28th.  A move after a birth is taxing to say the least on everyone but Wayne & I have been most awed by the many people that came out to help on both ends to move them in and out.  Flagstaff even stayed to clean and the new friends in Tucson was waiting for their vehicles to turn the corner of their apt. complex on their end.  God’s family is amazing when they work together in harmony and yes, as I always say, “God still amazes me”.

Last play in the park in Flagstaff

Well, it looks like we are going to make another major purchase and hopefully the last of this kind for a very long time - a new car.  Our CRV has over 200,000 miles and with a faulty air conditioner we have chosen not to put anymore $$$ in her and bite the bullet for a new hybrid.  So, with less than one week left here the dealership is scrambling to have the car towable ready with a bike carrier on the back.  Part of the deal!!!!!  Thank you Lord for providing once again.

We are getting ready to pack up and start East once again.  Friday to Tucson to visit the Carotenuto’s for 3 days and then off to Trinity Pines camp in Trinity TX just above Houston where we hope to visit with Uncle John & Aunt Eleanor and all their family before heading to the East to visit with Philip Fieler family for a while.  The adventures in the Southwest we have experienced are unbelievable and the friends we have made are only a “God Thing”.  Making (many) miles - RV crazy or what?