Monday, December 23, 2019

December 2019 Giddings, TX, Camp Tejas Lights of Christmas

December 2019 Giddings, TX
Camp Tejas Lights of Christmas

Camp Tejas in December is like a Christmas Winter Wonderland.  So magical.  Wayne worked the first 2 weeks without me as a "single GL" organizing several preparatory jobs to execute the Lights of Christmas to follow after Thanksgiving.  I joined after spending 2 weeks with my mom after she got home from the hospital and glad to report 4 weeks later that she is doing fantastic.

While we were in the Austin area we took in Schmekenfest at LaGrange, TX and the Lyndon B Johnson Library in Austin.  But one of the most enjoyable events is passing thru Bastrop, TX to experience Bucee's!  The largest gas station in the USA.  And the best brisket sandwich ever.  Too embarrassed to tell you how many we consumed in 6 weeks time!

Note:  This was the first project for the Losinger's and the Richard's.  We broke them in real good and they make hard working SOWERs with great attitudes.

One of the first things Wayne
did was repair and shingle 
parts of the Chapel.
For Thanksgiving Wayne was responsible for dressing and pecan pies - DONE!

A hayride for all the couples serving at Tejas.

One of the events in the Midway
was crate stacking.  Participants
are tethered and try to stack as
many milk crates as possible until
they fall down while standing on 
the top level.  19 was the goal to beat!

Schmekenfest in LaGrange, TX
is an annual event.  The town
businesses are built in a square
around the city hall.  Each participates
in a hot cider contest.  
Can you believe we actually
got tired of drinking hot cider!
The city hall was a very ornate building to behold. 

Kind of eerie at night!

Wayne, Bob Losinger and a friend
got  up enough nerve to ride the
high ropes swing on one of the
 nights of the event.

I got to work in the 
Birthday Party for Jesus
several nights.  Kids decorate
a large cookie, put in a candle and sing happy birthday to Jesus.  I also read the Christmas story one night 4 times.
Light tunnel.

And of course a SOWER
pot luck dinner.  Food is
always a necessity with
games to follow.

Several days the ladies sharpened
crayons to fill boxes full of
crayon shavings for an
ornament craft.

And when you are this close to Brenham, TX
a trip to the Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory
is a MUST!

My kind of Christmas Tree!

Wayne & I ventured one day
to Austin TX to see the
Lyndon Johnson presidential

Lyndon Johnson's style!
They made a beautiful respectable couple.

Back to  Lights of Tejas.
Gail manned the bounce houses 
one very cold night!
Every night ended with fireworks.

Several nights Mr. Wayne
drove one of the hay wagons!

Who knew how much he was a farmer
at heart!

Texas sunsets are
amazing when God
paints the sky.
Bill Oakleaf, a very seasoned SOWER,
designed and built this beautiful
scene.  He is now working on
a lighthouse scene that will
be located near the lake.

The Dining Hall.
Inside the dining hall.

The RV park.

Another gorgeous
The 8 couples working Camp Tejas
December 2019.

Top L to R: Sandi & John Barber, John Remple, Bob Losinger,
Bill Richards, Gail & Wayne Fieler.
Center:  Mike Griffin, Anita Remple, Gayle Losinger
and Marge Richards.
Front L to R:  Bonnie Griffin, Druann & John Bauer,
and Jeff & Joyce Brooks.

Our fearless leader!
Stephanie Philpot.

A day trip to the Wendish Museum.

Back to Camp Tejas!
The rock climbing wall.

Always about the Lights
of Tejas!

around the whole campus.

3 man swing.

And always lots
of wood for the 
many campfires!

November 2019 Lindale, TX Calvary Commission

November 2019 Lindale, TX 
Calvary Commission

We left Anadarko, OK and headed southeast towards our next project in Lindale, TX - Calvary Commission.  Calvary Commission is a Bible Seminary where those who have become Jesus followers in prison dedicate their lives to study of the WORD and study for a vocation that they can grow and honor the Lord for the remainder of their lives.  Many go on to work in missions and some return to their homes to minister to their families.

Here we are to work by ourselves for one week as Carol Wright needs to stay in Illinois to help out with her mom.  Carol continued to stay with her mom for 2 more weeks while Jerry drove the RV to help us out in Lindale.  We were so thankful as it helped us to finish a remodel job of the director's master bedroom and bathroom on the campus.  After we finished that Gail helped hem black out curtains in the dining hall and office.  Wayne & Jerry continued odd jobs which included installing and maintaining LOTS of smoke detectors in MANY buildings!  Also, since we were close to the SOWER office in Lindale, we were able to meet up with other SOWERs for a very nice lunch after church one Sunday.  Love these mini-reunions. Catch up on all news for all of us.

Wayne continued on with installation of the ceramic tile
on the walls of the master bath shower stall.

I am soooooo handy with
a paint roller in the
master bedroom!

Now the shower stall
is ready for the grouting.
Time out at a most delicious
Mexican Restaurant.  North Carolina
doesn't match these restaurants.

Jerry Wright to the rescue!
Jerry drove from Illinois by himself just to help us out.  Wayne was especially glad to see him arrive.
The flooring in this bedroom made all the difference.
Gorgeous job Wayne & Jerry.  Now that they
are experienced - my RV bedroom will
be their next project!

Installation of new fixtures in the bathroom,
vanity, new stool, towel racks, and EVEN
a toilet paper gizmo with a shelf for your
phone.  AND a exhaust fan with bluetooth!

  The finished bathroom - GORGEOUS!

Gail was able to help out in the kitchen
on Thursdays.  Tight quarters for sure!

Snack time for the students
was very creative!
And when the heat unit was on the fritz,
just bring the fire inside!  That works!

After Calvary Commission our next project was to be at Camp Tejas in Giddings TX.  We stopped at the Garissi's in Bastrop TX for the night so that Wayne could take me to the Austin airport so that I could help out with my mom since she just got out of the hospital in North Carolina. Thanksgiving for me with mom! Wayne joined the other SOWERs at Tejas for Thanksgiving at the Director's house - Paul, Kelli & kids.

The Garissi's built a home in Bastrop TX and
included a stop off for SOWERs with full
hookups.  What a blessing and they are wonderful
hosts.  We will be spending Christmas Eve at their
house again with 9 other SOWERs for games and

The next morning Wayne took me to the airport and then he drove on to Giddings TX at Camp Tejas Lights of Christmas event for the month of December.  I joined him 2 weeks later.